No Alcohol Top Five Changes After 120 Days

Today marks 120 days of no alcohol.

Why abstain from alcohol? Unfortunately for me a light night out, frequently morphs into a drunken bender. One drink, usually leads to many more drinks. And I inevitably find myself somewhere spread-eagle. Nursing a hangover and trying to remember what happened.

Albert Einstein famously said “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.” Which means that I was by definition, insane for a very long time. And a good time to reflect and stop drinking alcohol.

For me and most of my friends, alcohol is the go-to pastime and an essential part of life enjoyment.

After 120 days of not drinking alcohol, I go out less often, but my interactions with family and friends are more meaningful. Better relationships are formed. And Instead of meeting my friends at the bar, we grab a coffee or a meal instead.

Prior to my sobriety, I used to drag my feet most mornings. Consume inordinate amounts of coffee, just to feel like an intelligible human again.

So the Top Five changes since no alcohol are: (drum roll…)

  1. Closer and more meaningful relationship with my family and friends.
  2. Superhuman mental clarity
  3. Fatter bank balance
  4. Deeper and more restorative sleep at night
  5. More time to do things that matter