How to Get What You Want in Life

Imagine sitting on a sofa late at night. Randomly flipping the TV channels. Then you hear a loud chipper voice from a beautiful fitness instructor on how a simple exercise machine can make you go from flabby to hottie.

You start off skeptical because you’ve heard the sales pitch before, but this time it feels different.  You think about how nice it would be to show off a toned body at the beach this summer and be able to make your ex jealous.

With the overwhelming emotion of wanting something, you talk yourself into buying with the reasoning that this time it will work! So you find yourself excitedly calling the hotline and completing your order. You go to bed thinking it won’t be long till you’ll start losing weight and can’t wait.

The package arrives a couple days later and you start the workout. You feel your muscles burn and feel good after training a couple times, but something keeps coming up and you are forced to put your fitness on hold.

This idea follows the process: do the workout to have have a nice body then I’ll be fit. This logic makes perfect sense, but it only allows us to work on a small part of the entire process. And blinds us from seeing the full picture.

But, if this process was rearranged to first be what a fit person would be if we had already acheived our goal. We would need to find out how a fit person thinks. And after doing some practical research, we would probably find that most fit people give nutrition and exercise a high priority, and we may find different recipes that fit people eat. We may also find they sleep a whole lot. Before we know it, we would be thinking the same thoughts of a fit person.

Second, just do the same stuff a fit person would do (starting from our appropriate level), to build up to lastly have what we want.

Priming our mind with practical research is a powerful strategy to become whatever we want!